Proven Project Management Solutions

Even with the best laid project plans and teams in place, planning and executing complex and large scale technology projects can be a challenge. Ken Pittman Consultant Group (KPCG) offers a full range of Project Management solutions that can help ensure project success. And our solutions are tailored specifically to your unique needs, budget and project goals. Whether you are just starting a project or need immediate help to get a project back on track, KPCG can jump in at any stage. 


Our Specialties

  • Mergers & acquisitions
  • Technology transformations
  • Project delivery & operational improvements
  • Critical decision-making
  • Critical management
  • Due diligence
  • New projects
  • Refocused projects and/or budgets
  • Capital budget planning
  • Project backlog
  • Conflicting project priorities
  • Jeopardized deliverables & deadline

Our Project Management solutions include:

Project Quick Start
Respond to project requests with minimal investment or impact to current resource commitments.

Facilitated Workshops
Create stronger project teams and more desirable project outcomes through enhanced team communication and techniques that enable value-based decision-making.

Project Wellness Check
Proactively identify and take corrective action to mitigate project deficiencies, risks and pitfalls before they impact performance and outcomes.

Scrum Execution
Facilitate team learning, collaboration and improved project performance and delivery.

Project Management Execution
Keep things running smoothly with a proactive and high-impact day-to-day project management.

Project Recovery
Recover a project in jeopardy and vigorously execute a corrective action plan to get it back on track.


Get in Touch

Schedule an appointment to find out how KPCG can help.